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JBCE co-signs joint association letter on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)


On 21 April 2022, JBCE, together with AmChamEU, the Swiss Finance Council and the International Regulatory Strategy Group, shared a joint association letter on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) with EU stakeholders. The letter was initiated in the context of the ongoing interinstitutional negotiations on the file.

The joint letter highlights the four associations join positions with regards to CSRD on the following five key points:

  • EU and International Interoperability on Sustainability Reporting;
  • Lack of CSRD Data Outside the EU and EU Taxonomy Reporting Challenges for non-EU Exposures;
  • Mandatory Location of Sustainability Reporting and Assurance;
  • Equivalence Mechanism and Transitional Period;
  • EU and non-EU Sustainability Reporting on non-EU Exposures/Operations.

For more information, please contact:

Yuko Masuda

Policy Manager (CSR)

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