JBCE updates
JBCE spoke at CEATEC 2023

On 18th October, Mr. Lars Bruckner, Vice Chair of JBCE’s Digital Innovation Committee (DIC), gave a presentation at the CEATEC conference, 'The Future of AI, Innovation, and Regulation’ ~Dialogue with G7 Tech Industry Representatives~, organized by JEITA. Other panelists included tech industry associations from G7 countries and representatives of the Japanese government.
Mr. Lars Bruckner emphasized the significance of AI innovation, digital transformation and the importance of international harmonization. Firstly, he pointed out that terminology, such as the definition of AI, requiring international harmonization, is essential for business affairs even if the regulatory framework of AI will be different in different regions and countries. Secondly, to encourage harmonization, he highlighted that JBCE has promoted mutual exchange of experts between CEN/CENELEC and JISC. Finally, he delivered suggestions in view of cooperation on regulatory sandboxes with EU AI act.
G7 tech industry speakers broadly explained their respective countries’ general directions regarding AI technology. It is noteworthy that they tried to strengthen AI technology in each country to the highest benefit of people, considering the balance between innovation, business activities and regulations, with international harmonization.
JBCE and DIC will continue to strive to improve the dialogue between stakeholders, member companies and EU institutions to achieve sound and business-friendly legislations for AI act, Cyber Resilience act and Data act, and promote harmonization through proactive communication.
We sincerely appreciate your continued support for our ongoing activities.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Hiroki Shigemitsu, Policy Manager (Digital Innovation), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.