JBCE updates
JBCE and EBC jointly publish a statement highlighting their commitment to responsible and sustainable business practices

The joint event "Sustainable and Responsible Supply Chains", held by JBCE and EBC (the European Business Council in Japan) in November 2023, gathered over 80 participants, including representatives from the EU and Japanese governments, as well as members of JBCE and EBC.
The discussions primarily focused on the complexity and challenges inherent to corporate supply chains, alongside the impact of legislative policies.
Following the event, we are happy to present a joint statement advocating for a holistic and cooperative approach by economic actors, policymakers and relevant stakeholders to achieve sustainable and responsible supply chains. We would like to:
- Underline the significance of international standards and collaboration between Japan and the EU.
- Highlight the crucial role of public authorities in assisting businesses navigate complex regulatory environments.
- Emphasize the need for enhanced policy discussions and continued collaboration within the framework of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.
Please find the attached document for details. For further information, please contact:
Nagisa Kagawa, Policy Manager (CS)
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