The Planning Committee deals with horizontal issues beyond JBCE’s individual polices.

CSR Committee aims to facilitate the dialogue between Japanese companies operating in Europe and the European Institutions, and to enhance its contributions to the EU policies related to CSR/RBC (Responsible Business Conduct). The Committee also creates the platform to share the information and best practices among the Committee members and key stakeholders. The Committee has established the bridge between the European and Japanese CSR Communities.
The main focus of CSR Committee are the CSR Strategy in the EU, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Supply chain management, Business and human rights and Non-financial Information Reporting.

The main focus of the Environment & Energy Committee is product-related EU environmental policy in the fields of chemicals, eco-design/energy efficiency, and waste. Work activities are organised primarily in issue groups. Environment policy subjects currently being dealt with include the EUP Directive and related EUP Implementing Measures, the ROHS Directive and the ongoing Recast process, the REACH Regulation, and the WEEE Directive and the ongoing Recast process.

The innovation in digital technologies do not effect only ICT sector but all business activities. This Committee discusses how digital technologies changes business models.
The discussions include compliance issues such as new directives and regulations and new business potentials. The Committee is working in line with the European Priorities and focusing on major European Initiatives aiming at fostering the positive impact of Digital Technologies and Solutions in Europe for Japanese Companies. Strong focus will also be on Innovation activities and initiatives like European funded projects for R&D and Public Private Partnerships.
Current key topics are:
1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implementation and its links with NIS directive,
2. Data Flow,
3. Digitizing European Industry
The discussion should not be limited to those, and any proposals for additional topics are always welcome.

This committee follows the EU region policies relating to standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment.
The main focus is the New Legislative Framework regulating CE mark (and similar national, such as UK CA mark post-BREXIT) related legislation. On top of the essential NLF issues, such as safety, radio spectrum, electromagnetic compatibility, energy efficiency, medical devices, and others, the Standards and Conformity Committee handles new regulatory matters added to the EU Commission agenda, such as Cybersecurity, AI, Circular Economy, Consumer Protection, in a close cooperation with the other JBCE Committees, such as Digital Innovation and Environment.

Trade Policy Committee is focusing on facilitating and promoting the open market for trade and investment. It proactively communicates with policy makers so that opportunities and benefits of the free trade and globalisation are realized. In this context, the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) is the crucial milestone of this Committee.
Apart from the EU-Japan EPA, Trade Policy Committee has been dealing with a wide scope of trade-related issues ranging from particular anti-dumping, tariff classification cases, Export Controls to a larger scale of trade issues relating to WTO Multirateral and Prulirateral negotiations.